Fred and Ethel Noyes of Smithville, New Jersey: The Artist - download pdf or read online

By Judy Courter

millions of tourists every year flock to the old Smithville lodge and Village to get pleasure from eating places, outlets and fairs. the tale at the back of Smithville--the awesome efforts of its founders, Fred and Ethel Noyes--is as colourful because the village itself. Fred used to be a global warfare II veteran and artist with a rambunctious character. Ethel was once an unstoppable visionary and self-made businesswoman. jointly, they restored the Smithville hotel and, through the years, extra the historical village. Ethel ran the firm with a notoriously tight grip, whereas the garrulous Fred painted, accumulated decoys and used to be the mainstay. They went directly to construct the Ram's Head resort and the Noyes Museum of paintings. Fred and Ethel left an enduring legacy for the folks of recent Jersey. writer Judy Courter tells the tale of this attention-grabbing couple during the stories of kin, neighbors and employees.

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Fred and Ethel Noyes of Smithville, New Jersey: The Artist and the Entrepreneur by Judy Courter

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